Agile software development is based on the principles of Lean Management, i.e. we work customer-oriented continuously deliver real value following the Pull Principle, and we always strive to improve our processes. This delivers important features to our projects that most traditional projects are missing. Our projects are …


1At fixed intervals of a few weeks you get ready usable functionality delivered in the highest quality. You do not need to wait until the end of the project for your product, only to find out that it’s not quite what you wanted.


2You can check the quality at any time directly on your growing product and you don’t have to be satisfied with half-finished prototypes or work pack­ages. You always know what we’re working on, how long it will take and what comes next. So you have project progress and costs in your sight at any time.


3Our high transparency allows you to control the project in a flexible and secure way. You can incorporate new or change existing require­ments at any time during the project. You also decide when the product is sufficient for you and if you want to terminate the project after the running iteration.


4We not only implement, but also think ahead and develop your product step by step from practice together with you. You don’t have to specify your product in documents as a com­plex, theoretical construct, only to find out later that the practice has different requirements. We help you to find the smallest solution that covers all your needs. So you get exactly the solution you need – no more, no less.